250+ Money Affirmations to Catapult Your Wealth
Positive money affirmations are your secret weapon turning your negative money mindset to that of abundance
Author: Kari Lorz – Certified Financial Education Instructor
Picture a life where you effortlessly attract wealth, abundance, and financial success. Achieving an abundance mindset can be a transformative journey, and it begins with the power of positive money affirmations.
We’ll explore how these affirmations can help you break free from scarcity thinking, confront limiting beliefs, and ultimately pave the way for prosperity and abundance in your life.
So whether you’re looking to boost your financial confidence, manifest your dreams, or simply embrace a healthier relationship with money, these money affirmations will serve as your guiding light.
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- Positive money affirmations are your secret weapon turning your negative money mindset to that of abundance
- What are money affirmations?
- Affirmations for manifesting money
- Money affirmations for managing your finances
- Wealth affirmations for earning money
- Financial affirmations for having enough money
- Money affirmations for how you feel about money
- Money affirmations for using your wealth
- Money mantras
- Why do we need positive affirmations?
- How do affirmations work?
- How to write an affirmation
- How to have an affirmation practice
- Do affirmations really work?
- Money affirmations FAQs
- At the end of the day
- Articles related to money affirmations:
What are money affirmations?
A wealth affirmation is an affirmation focused on you and money. It can be about how you handle money, the money coming into your life, the money flowing out, or what you will do with your money.
Using positive money affirmations can play a huge part in helping you shift your money mindset to abundance.
These 250 affirmations are broken up into categories…
- Attracting money
- Being in control and managing your money
- Earning money
- Being mentally comfortable with having money
- Spending your money
- Money mantras
Gather your seven most powerful money affirmations, and focus on those. Over the next two weeks, you’ll be able to tell which are your top three money affirmations and then focus on those for your daily practice.
Affirmations for manifesting money
- I attract money to me easily and effortlessly.
- I am a money magnet.
- I release all resistance to attracting money.
- I accept and receive unexpected money.
- I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.
- Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
- Wealth constantly flows into my life.
- My finances improve beyond my dreams.
- I am attracting money at this very moment.
- I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me.
- I attract money happily in my life.
- I attract money beyond my wildest dreams.
- I am open to receiving money in my life.
- The more I focus on joy, the more money I will make.
- I attract money to give to others.
- Money is energy, and it flows into my life constantly.
- Money flows to me in expected and unexpected ways.
- I have the power to attract wealth and money into my life.
- Money is abundant, and I attract it naturally.
- Money is unlimited, and my prosperity is unlimited.
- Money is pouring into my life.
- An abundance of money is flowing into my life right now.
- My mind is a powerful magnet for wealth and abundance.
- Money flows to me freely as I move through this world.
- I will attain all the riches that I desire with time.
- I am on my way to becoming wealthy.
- Everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now.
- There is money all around me; I just have to grab it.
- I am a magnet that can attract money in any endeavor I undertake.
- I love attracting money.
- Money falls into my lap in miraculous ways.
- People love giving me money.
- I trust that more money is coming to me.
- I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
- I allow money to flow easily to me.
- Money is being drawn to me in every moment.
- I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money when I want it.
- I am creating an abundant future with my thoughts today.
- More money is lining up for me right this minute.
- I choose to focus on money flowing to me with ease.
- I can see examples of abundance all around.
- Money chooses me, always.
- I visualize myself having money, and I receive more money.
- Money is drawn to me, always.
- Money simply falls into my lap.
- I attract wealth to me from all directions.
- I attract massive amounts of money to me.
- I breathe in abundance.
- I allow prosperity to flow into my life.
Money Affirmations Workbook
Use our guided workbook to find the affirmations that connect with you on the deepest level. Or you can create your own custom money affirmations specific to your personal situation, energy & goals.
Money affirmations for managing your finances
- I am capable of overcoming any money obstacles that stand in my way.
- I boldly conquer my money goals.
- I am the master of my wealth.
- I can handle large sums of money.
- I am an excellent money manager.
- I believe money is important.
- I know that money is freedom.
- My capacity to hold and grow money expands every day.
- I always have more money coming in than going out.
- My income is always higher than my expenses.
- I enjoy managing and investing my money.
- My finances improve beyond anything I could ever imagine.
- I am wealthy and living on my own terms.
- Money is a tool that can change my life for the better.
- I control money; money doesn’t control me.
- I am a capable person that can tackle all money obstacles.
- I have the power to be a financially successful person.
- I have the power to improve my relationship with money.
- I can find the positive in my money situation.
- I believe in my ability to use the money that comes into my life to meet my financial goals.
- It is within my power to create a successful financial future.
- With hard work, I can build the financial future that I desire.
- I have the discipline to make hard financial choices now to enjoy an easier life later on.
- I am in control of my spending.
- My debt doesn’t control me; I manage it.
- Making choices to build wealth today can allow me to create the life I desire.
- I have the ability to learn how to manage my money better.
- I am excited to keep my finances on the right path.
- My actions perpetuate a life of prosperity.
- I can track my expenses and stick to a budget.
- I can make my dreams a reality with careful budgeting.
- I am passionate about building wealth and recognize all the value that it brings to my life.
- I am capable of managing large sums of money.
- I am responsible with money and manage it wisely.
- I am successful with money.
- I am one step closer to my financial goals.
- Financial success belongs to me, and I accept it now.
- Every action I take will plant the seeds for wealth.
- I make wise financial decisions and trust my process.
- I am ready to make my financial goals and dreams a reality.
- I am excited to start and establish my money-making goals.
- I am a successful money saver.
- It’s easy for me to change my money story.
- I reclaim my money power.
- I choose to be organized and responsible with money.
- No matter how I feel or what I do, money gets to be easy.
- Being rich is a part of who I am.
- Money is a tool, and I am going to learn to use it well.
- I am in control of my financial life.
- I overcome all obstacles that lie in my way of financial success.
- I will be debt-free. I have the power to make it happen.
- My future self will thank me for saving money today.
- My savings will continue to grow, and I will be financially secure.
- I will build an emergency fund to safeguard myself.
- I enjoy the challenge of saving more money.
- Every dollar saved puts me closer to financial freedom.
I would love to be able to say that these affirmations are from my own brain, but they’re not. Unfortunately, affirmations, unlike quotes, typically don’t come with attribution to the creator. They are just listed as-is.
Many are common, listed, and seen on many sites, and no one knows who initially said it. My utmost thanks to those who created these, and my hope in sharing is to inspire others and help them make the shifts they need to reach their goals.
Wealth affirmations for earning money
- I make money easily.
- I deserve to make more money.
- I am worthy of making more money.
- I embrace new avenues of income.
- I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
- I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
- I constantly discover new sources of income.
- My income is growing higher and higher.
- I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.
- I get rich doing what I love.
- My bank account is constantly filled with money.
- There are no limits to the money I can make.
- The more fun I have, the more money I make.
- My income is constantly increasing.
- My income will exceed my expenses.
- Money is an abundant resource that I can earn.
- My income has unlimited potential.
- I accept the flow of money from multiple sources.
- My job provides the opportunity to work towards my financial goals.
- I enjoy making money and genuinely love my work.
- I can leverage my skills to bring in more money at any time.
- I believe in my ability to earn more money.
- I deserve the opportunity to earn more than I make today.
- Every day is a fresh opportunity to earn more money.
- I am capable of turning my skills and expertise into income.
- My hard work will bring me money.
- My skills and hard work bring me wealth, and I am grateful and respectful of that.
- Making money is a positive endeavor that serves me, my family, and my community.
- There are countless opportunities to make more money in my life.
- The money that I have invested will be returned to me ten-fold.
- Manifesting money is easy because I’m ready to put in the work.
- I have fun earning money.
- I am so excited about receiving more money.
- I am so grateful for the opportunity to manifest more income.
- It’s easy to make money.
- I am easily creating more money and abundance.
- Money comes to me in fun, easy and surprising ways!
- There is no limit to the amount of money I am capable of earning.
- Every dollar that flows to me now works for me, to earn more money.
Money Affirmations Workbook
Use our guided workbook to find the affirmations that connect with you on the deepest level. Or you can create your own custom money affirmations specific to your personal situation, energy & goals.
Financial affirmations for having enough money
- I always have enough money.
- I believe there is enough money for everyone.
- I am financially free.
- I have more than enough money.
- Money is abundant to me.
- I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
- The universe provides enough money for everyone.
- I can become financially free.
- Financial freedom is not just a dream; it will be my reality.
- I have enough money to enjoy my day-to-day life freely.
- I have more money than I could ever spend.
- I am what a wealthy person looks like.
- I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.
- I always have more than enough for everything I need.
- I am wealthy
- I can easily afford anything I want.
Money affirmations for how you feel about money
- I am grateful for money.
- I love money because money loves me.
- I am worthy of the wealth I desire.
- I release all negative energy over money.
- Money is the root of joy and comfort.
- Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.
- Money and love can be friends.
- I am at peace with having a lot of money.
- I am grateful for all the money I have now.
- I have a positive money mindset.
- I deserve to be rich.
- I deserve money in my life.
- I am grateful for all that money brings me.
- I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.
- I let go of all my fears around money.
- I know anyone can be wealthy, including me.
- Every day, I choose money and wealth.
- All the money I have brings me joy.
- I am worthy of a wealthy life.
- My wealth comes from being honest and authentic in everything I do.
- If others can be wealthy, so can I.
- I deserve a prosperous life.
- I am worthy of a solid financial foundation.
- I am not poor; I am on the path to a wealthy life.
- I gracefully surrender all of my resistance to wealth.
- I am worthy of financial security and freedom.
- Financial security brings me peace.
- I am thankful for the comfort that having money can bring to me when I manage it well.
- I enjoy money.
- I am grateful for the money I already have and the money that’s on its way to me now.
- I embrace a life of abundance and positive thinking.
- I am so happy and grateful that money flows to me easily and effortlessly.
- My relationship with money gets better and better every day.
- I am worthy of money.
- It is safe to be wealthy.
- I trust money.
- I deserve to be financially rewarded.
- I choose to think only positive thoughts about money.
- I choose to feel wealthy right now.
- I am healing my relationship with money.
- Having money makes me feel calm and confident.
- I choose to believe I deserve to have plenty of money.
- Financial well-being is my new reality.
- My positive attitude is attracting money.
- I am thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life.
- I give myself permission to prosper and build wealth and to be happy about it.
- I bless all rich, wealthy, and abundant people.
- I am grateful for the wealth that is inside of me.
- I embrace all positive associations to money, wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
Money Affirmations Workbook
Use our guided workbook to find the affirmations that connect with you on the deepest level. Or you can create your own custom money affirmations specific to your personal situation, energy & goals.
Money affirmations for using your wealth
- I am generous with my money.
- I change the world with my money.
- I love to give money a good home.
- I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
- Money is my servant.
- The money I contribute always comes back to me multiplied.
- I use money to improve the lives of others.
- My money works hard for me, to make me more and more money.
- I use money to improve my life.
- Money creates a positive impact on my life and the life of others.
- The more value I contribute, the more money I will make.
- I am grateful that I can contribute my money to the economy.
- I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.
- The money I spend and earn makes me happy.
- I can use money to create a better life.
- Money can expand the opportunities of my life.
- Through thoughtful generosity, more money will flow back to me.
- I have the ability to spend money on the things that matter to me most.
- I am happy when I spend my money responsibly.
- Having money opens me to opportunities and new experiences.
- I can use money to change the world for the better.
- I choose to spend my money wisely.
- Money is used to provide good things for my life and the lives of the people I love.
- As I earn money, I am equipped to give and serve generously.
- Money well-spent is a source of good and positive things.
- Because I have money, I can give and serve generously.
- I will be mindful of my wealth so that it can serve me and those around me.
- My money allows me to have a life I love.
- Every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied.
- I love the freedom that comes with financial abundance.
- Money is good because I use it for good things.
- Being wealthy gives me the power to help countless people in this world.
- The more I give, the wealthier I become.
- People benefit from my wealth & abundance.
Money mantras
A money mantra is very similar to an affirmation but slightly different. According to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, traditionally, “mantras are words, sounds, or invocations either in Sanskrit or any other language, that aid the individual in focusing concentration and depending meditation while also uniting them with a higher power… aim to liberate the mind from thought in order to facilitate inner peace.”
For our purposes of helping to shift our thoughts and belief system from that of a scarcity mindset to that of an abundance mindset, we will simplistically say that a money mantra is to help us focus when we are agitated or depressed or when we can’t settle our brains.
A money mantra is phrased to be short, to be repeated over and over, to have a rhythm when saying them, a cadence.
- Prosperity within me, prosperity around me.
- Money is energy, so money is good.
- I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, worthy.
- My life is full of wealth beyond money.
- Money is in my mind. My mind creates money.
- I will be healthy, wealthy, and happy.
- I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.
- I love money, and money loves me.
- Money comes easily, frequently, and abundantly.
- Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and more prosperous.
- I think like a millionaire. I act like a millionaire, I feel like a millionaire, I am a millionaire.
- Abundance within me, abundance around me.
- I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.
Why do we need positive affirmations?
Let’s go back a bit to where I called your inner voice bull shit.
Yup, I said what I said (and I mean it)! In some things, you are your own worst enemy, sabotaging your progress, stealing your happiness, and derailing your focus. This is especially true with how we view our bodies, our skills as a mother, and our personal finances.
I’m not a body confidence coach nor a NY Times bestselling author on motherhood. BUT, I am dang good with money, and I am proud of that! Time after time, I see people struggle with money; I hear what they say about themselves.
“I suck at budgeting.”
“I have zero willpower with saving money.”
“I will never have enough money to quit my job and stay home with my kiddos.”
Do any of those statements sound familiar? Maybe, just a tad bit? Do you say them with a laugh? Do you know how damaging that is? Well, it is. I say this was a sad heart, as I want you to really take this in.
The things we tell ourselves repeatedly become how we actually feel about ourselves. These limiting beliefs about us and our abilities with money are dragging us down!
VeryWellMind, reports that “Negative self-talk can affect us in some pretty damaging ways. One large-scale study found that rumination and self-blame over negative events were linked to an increased risk of mental health problems.
Focusing on negative thoughts may lead to decreased motivation as well as greater feelings of helplessness. This type of critical inner dialogue has even been linked to depression,” of course it has!
They continue with, “One of the most obvious drawbacks of negative self-talk is that it’s not positive. This sounds simplistic, but research has shown that positive self-talk is a great predictor of success.”
So if something can significantly help me reach my goals (i.e., success) and it’s essentially free, then it’s a no-brainer that THIS is something you should cultivate and master! The power of positive thinking for the win!
The Mayo Clinic says, “Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking include:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress”
Because isn’t being happier the ultimate goal for all of us? I mean true happiness, not just thrills or momentary joy, but soul-satisfying long-term happiness. I’m game for that! Affirmations for manifesting money and money mantras can play a massive role in turning your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader in helping you to reach your financial goal.
How do affirmations work?
As I said above, you come to believe what you tell yourself. Now, this can take time, but consider that we’ve been telling ourselves something for decades, saying it multiple times a day to ourselves, or even just feeling it. When you look into the mirror, what do you usually say? Or when you look at your bank account balance, what is the feeling?
Affirmations work on the conscious and subconscious mind. In the beginning, we say a phrase, and it sounds silly, but we know we “should” keep on saying them, so we do. Eventually, little bits of that positive reinforcement begin to stick on a subconscious level, and they keep growing as long as we keep putting in the work. Eventually, they replace the negative thought process.
Personal development expert Jack Canfield states that positive affirmations “Helps eliminate negative and limiting beliefs and transforms your comfort zone from a limited one keeping you trapped in mediocrity to a more expanded one where anything is possible. It helps to replace your “I cant’s” with “I cans” and your fears and doubts with confidence and certainty.
It’s harnessing the power of positive energy, to get rid of any negative beliefs and cultivate a positive mindset, to then help foster positive change!
Journaling can be a great way to help you get your thoughts clear by working through your emotions on paper. Money journaling is so beneficial, not only now in the moment, but helping you to look back and see how far you’ve come.
How to write an affirmation
Let’s dig more into the structure of a positive affirmation so you can see exactly how it’s laid out (and get a better idea of why it’s so powerful).
- Keep it personal, as in start with an “I am”, don’t focus on anyone else. You are the only person here.
- Present tense, remember we phrase these statements as if they are true right now.
- It should be framed as a positive statement, not a negative one. So don’t say “I will stop spending money on fast food”, focus on “I am focusing my spending on healthy food that I prepare at home.” Essentially, affirm what you do want, not what you don’t want.
- Make it specific enough that you can visualize it.
- Keep it short, something that you can easily lock into your memory.
- Use feeling words, i.e., lovingly, gratefully, happily, excited, easily, confidently, joyfully, hopeful, etc.
- Say them (or write them) with feeling and confidence!
If you’re having trouble thinking of what your affirmations should focus on, then think of the negative things you tell yourself. These are limiting beliefs, aka thoughts that are holding you back. Write them down, and then write the opposite of it. Then layer in those feeling words, and make it present tense. Done!
If you’re looking for help, then grab the Money Affirmations Workbook, where you have all the affirmations here listed out (it makes for easy highlighting)! And it walks you through creating your own personal affirmations.
How to have an affirmation practice
Affirmations are most effective when done consistently (daily, at a minimum) or when you are feeling a certain way (i.e., overwhelmed, depressed, stressed out, etc.). But the main point is to use an affirmation practice often and consistently.
Many people do them during their morning or evening routine. This is also called habit stacking (tying one new thing you want to make a habit onto an already existing habit).
Set up your environment, get some calming music on, be in a clean space, and in a comfortable position. You may first want to do some journalling to help clear your brain and calm your body. Then go into repeating your positive money affirmations and your money mantra. If you have a lot of time, say them as many times as you need to to feel your energy shift (see Gem video above).
It may feel awkward at first, but you will get more comfortable the more you do them. Don’t have any expectations of your practice; just do it and be in the moment. Give yourself space to be new and grow.
Do affirmations really work?
I have always said that I am an optimistic skeptic. I want to believe, but I am hesitant, and it will take time for me to come around to the idea. That sounds fair, but I know it’s holding me back. I need to be all in, and honestly, what have I (and you) got to lose? Nothing.
Let’s take a minute to hear the success stories from some of those who swear by the power of positive thought and powerful affirmations. You might say affirmations helped them with their millionaire mindset!
Oprah Winfrey – She frequently talks about the power of the law of attraction and her role in The Color Purple, and her subsequent success. She says, “The way you think creates the reality for yourself.”
Jim Carrey – He infamously wrote himself a check for $10 million and dated it five years in the future for “acting services rendered”, and he kept it in his wallet. His first breakout role was Dumb & Dumber, and he got $10 million for his role in it.
Lady Gaga – She always knew she would be famous, and she would repeat it to herself, over and over for years. “You repeat it to yourself every day… And it’s not yet, it’s a lie. You’re saying a lie over and over again, and then, one day, the lie is true.”
Money affirmations FAQs
What is a good affirmation for money?
Good affirmations for money should key in on where you are struggling (i.e., confidence, making money, managing money) and how you want to feel in that area. If you’re great at making money, then there’s no reason to do an affirmation on that point.
For example, if you struggle with being confident with your money decisions, your money affirmation could read, “I am confident in my ability to learn how to better manage my finances.” This asserts your goal (confidence) and is believable because anyone can learn anything.
If you reach for something too crazy right off the bat, your brain might instantly reject it. So I wouldn’t say, “I am going to have $350 million in the bank.” Because there’s no way that could happen (unless I win the lottery), I know that, and my subconscious knows that, so having that as an affirmation wouldn’t be effective.
Do money affirmations work?
Yes, money affirmations can be a powerful tool for achieving financial success. They allow us to focus our attention on the positive things we want in life and help to drive away any negative feelings or thoughts that might be holding us back from reaching our goals.
By reciting these affirmations regularly, you’re retraining your brain and allowing yourself to focus on the abundance that is out there and what you can do to attract it your way.
Through consistent practice, money affirmations can become a powerful asset in manifesting more financial freedom into your life.
How do powerful affirmations attract money?
When you consistently practice powerful affirmations, you start to reprogram your subconscious mind. The subconscious is the part of our mind that stores all of our memories and experiences. This includes both positive and negative thoughts as well as what we believe to be true about ourselves, our lives, and money.
By repeating positive money affirmations, such as “I am abundant” or “money comes to me easily and effortlessly,” we can replace our negative beliefs with positive ones. These new thoughts will then be stored in the subconscious and will manifest as real-life events.
So, when you consistently focus on these affirmations and visualize having the wealth you desire, you will find ways (that previously may not have been apparent to you) to how you can earn more money.
How do you write affirmations for money?
When writing money affirmations, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of wealth and abundance. You should also make sure the statements are realistic, achievable goals that you can believe in.
For example, if your goal is to make more money, an effective affirmation could be “I am worthy of successful financial opportunities.”
You also want to write them as if they were already true because of how your brain works if you say, “I will make more money soon,” the words “will” and “soon” are very subjective. They could mean any time in the future (aka 15 years from now). You want your brain to believe this is true right now, in the present.
Are there any money affirmations that work instantly?
This is kind of a trick question, as positive money affirmations that work fast are up to you. Do YOU believe that you can do/be XYZ?
In the beginning, you may not believe it (doubt is normal in the beginning). However, the more you say them, the more they imprint on your subconscious, then the idea grows to be more familiar to you, and your brain starts to accept it. And then, one day, you believe it. So “fast” is a relative term.
Can affirmations make me rich?
No, affirmations alone cannot make you rich. They are a powerful tool and can be used to help manifest wealth, but it takes action as well. While money affirmations can help you change your mindset, it is ultimately up to you to do the work and take actionable steps toward achieving financial success.
Be realistic when setting and planning your goals, and be sure to take actionable steps each day toward achieving them. When combined with purposeful effort, money affirmations will help you to manifest financial abundance into your life.
The 7 most powerful money affirmations (for me)
While everyone is an individual, I know it’s helpful to see what others are doing. So I thought I’d share my list of money affirmations and my money mantra…
1. I accept and receive unexpected money
2. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
3. Everything I need to build wealth is available to me right now.
4. I am one step closer to my financial goals.
5. Manifesting money is easy because I’m ready to put in the work.
6. I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.
7. I am grateful for all the money I have now.
8. My money mantra: I will be healthy, wealthy, and happy.
My focus is on reaffirming that I am worthy of making more money and making progress on my financial goals every day.
At the end of the day
I am a massive believer in self-development; I believe in it for everyone. Using affirmations is a free tool to help shift your money mindset and change your money story. And, remember, what you believe to be true about yourself has so much power over you, your performance, and your success, whether you believe it or not. It is a powerful tool that can be used for you or against you.
It’s your choice; choose wisely, choose your happiness and change your financial situation!
Don’t forget to grab your Money Affirmations Workbook so you can get started right now!
Articles related to money affirmations:
- Your Money Mindset is Your Most Important Asset (and Here’s Why)
- The 4 Essential Steps with Goal Setting
- 50+ Budgeting Quotes to Motivate You (and Your Bottom Line)
- Can You Change Your Tragic Money Story to One of Triumph?
- Conquer Your Money Demons by Dumping Your Limiting Beliefs About Money
Hi Kari,
I love the affirmations you have written down on your blog. I believe people can really use these affirmations to invite wealth into their lives. I also believe there are many other aspects of one’s life where these affirmations can help.
Thanks alot for the info. Money affirmation has given me a shift in my money situation. I think it’s not for mamas only also for papas.
So glad you liked the post! And yes, money affirmations (and financial wellness) is for everyone!
What an awesome post,
As you said we can be our own worst critic. I’ve got to sack that Dr NO on my shoulder.
Even downunder we aren’t exempt from self-doubt ha ha
I’m not a Mama so I hope you don’t mind sharing with a Papa.
Happy to have you along Tony!
Thank you!
God is my infinite Supply!
Money comes to me easily and effortlessly in perfect ways.
look what I did with these affirmations!
So glad you found some affirmations that resonate with you!
Like I AM worthy of living a wealthy life with money flowing unexpectedly in my life.
YES! You absolutely are worthy 🙂 Love it!
how many times do we have to write down this affirmation daily and for how many days..
Hi! It all depends on how many affirmations you choose. I’d say, start with 3 affirmations and write each one once daily, like during your journaling practice. Do it every day, until you reach your goal.
How many affirmations a day should we repeat ?
Maybe start with 6 and then over the week see which ones resonate most and narrow it down to three or so. Or pick just one that you really connect with.
As they say, if you want to change something on the outside, you must start out by changing from the inside. I totally agree that affirmations are a great way to overcome limiting beliefs, and they especially work when it comes to money. Many people do not realize that talking bad about money doesn’t bring more money. Thank you for another insightful post. Loved the affirmations! I bookmarked them and will be revisiting.
So glad you liked it 🙂 It was very eye-opening to put this post together, as I could see things in myself that I needed to shift my focus to (and away from).
Great post! Affirmations are very powerful. I use them every day to help with my self-confidence. Thanks for sharing!
So glad you find positive affirmations helpful!
Thank you for helping others with one of the most valuable things they steward!
You’re very welcome! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Wow! So many affirmations! My husband and I have done very well setting up a budget and investing for the future. I know we’re actually fine financially, but I don’t always feel like we are. Maybe some affirmations will help me stop focusing on the need to be frugal.
I totally agree, sometimes your brain knows your covered, your fine, but you still “feel” as though you should be doing more. It’s a hard spot to be in, but it can be helped by a mindset shift.
I had never thought about this splendid use of affirmations. It seems perfect to me to start having a different perspective on money. I will try to use it. Thanks for sharing
Sometimes a shift in our perspective is all we need to see things in a new (and more positive light)!
What a great post. I haven’t thought much about money affirmations before but you’ve done not only a great job outlining why they are important but also providing so many examples across managing money, earning money, money feelings and more.
I also appreciate that you link to other external reputable sources when applicable. Thanks for this great post!
True, lots of people know affirmations for how they view themselves overall but haven’t delved into category-specific affirmations. Being very specific can help you gain so much clarity over what you want (and don’t want) in your life.
I absolutely love your blunt opening. I am partial to getting straight to the point. I know all to well how quick I am to not talk myself up, but I also feel like I am a cheerleader at times. Thank you for sharing all these affirmations as well, I never really thought about money affirmations and that is something I think we all could use some more of!
Ha ha! Sometimes being blunt saves everyone so much time 🙂
Loved the article! I keep a jar with all my affirmation and I’m gonna add some of these for sure!
So glad you have a jar of them, such a good tip to work the practice into every day!
What is alarming is I’ve never even considered having ot using money affirmations. Thank you. I especially like, ” I control money, money doesn’t control me.”
Oh that’s a great affirmation! So many do feel controlled by their finances, which is a hard spot to be in for sure! Working through money blocks by using affirmations is a great way to shift your mindset.
This post came at the most PERFECT time. I have been wanting to start affirmations in my everyday life but I honestly wasn’t entirely sure HOW or WHERE to start. These are incredible. Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow! That’s great! So funny how those things happen sometimes! Glad I could be there when you needed it 🙂